Monday, July 2, 2012

Dove Beauty Body Cream - Review

Hey girls! I'm going to review my favorite body cream ever today! It's the Dove Body Silk Beauty Body Cream. I don't know where I got this creme, but it's been in my cabinet for quite a while now, and as soon as I found it I started using it non-stop. I love Dove products in general, but this is my all-time favorite for sure!

The cream is thick, yet when you rub it into your skin it feels like it's water based and it applies really easily. No white marks are left on your skin, because your skin will easily absorb all the goodness from this product. And I must say this product smells really good, it's a soft and girly scent which will stay on your skin for a few hours.

This cream comes in a big jar which contains 300 ml product. You'll only need a little bit because the products spreads really easily. Less is more ladies. ;)

These are all the ingredients. Which I honestly don't know a lot about, just thought I'd share it anyway. :)

I hope you enjoyed, see you next time!

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