Monday, July 16, 2012

Oriflame Pure Skin - Review

Hello lovelies! I've been using the Oriflame pure skin line for a few weeks now and it's about time for me to do a review on these products! I've mentioned Oriflame before, click HERE to read it! I use the scrub, toner, and treatment gel every day. I use the mask about 3 times a week. I don't have sensitive skin so it's okay for me to scrub every night since this scrub is not too harsh. Okay, let's get into the products now...

I'll start with the mask and treatment gel first. The mask is really refreshing and it burnt a little bit the first time I applied it, but after using it more often it feels really nice on the skin, it's a is a white clay mask. You don't need to apply a thick layer of this stuff, a little bit goes a long way. ;) 
The treatment gel is not for application on your whole face, just on spots. I apply the gel at night time only, because I find that my makeup doesn't apply nicely on top of the gel. After a few nights of using this I could see a difference in my skin, spots were getting smaller and some of them even disappeared.

The scrub is gentle and it foams a bit when you're rubbing your face with it. My skin always feels really smooth and refreshing after using it. And as I mentioned earlier, I don't have sensitive skin, so it's perfectly fine for me to use every night.
Toner is really important. It's the last step of cleansing before applying a cream. A toner will remove all makeup that you thought you removed by scrubbing/cleansing your face. You'll be surprised how much makeup is still left over on your skin, even when you think it's clean.
This toner doesn't dry out my skin at all, and I really like using it.

I hoped my review helped you! If you're considering to purchase these products yourself you might want to check out  :)

Now I've told you what products I use to cleanse my face, I'd like to know what you use as well! Leave me a comment and tell me... What is your secret to perfect skin?


  1. ik kende het merk nog niet, maar lijkt me goed spul!

  2. Ik ken het merk, ooit wilde ze op een 'markt' me dit aansmeren haha ;p. Ik hou echt niet van die mensen die je opdringen om dingen te kopen, bleh! Maar de producten zien er wel goed uit!

    Ps ik volg je terug!

    1. Ik kan ook niet tegen dat soort mensen, haha!

      Dankje! :) X

  3. Fijne review heb je geschreven! Leuk om te lezen. Ook vind ik dat je een ontzettend leuke header hebt, zelf gemaakt?!

    1. Thanks! ♥
      Het logo en de menu balk heeft mijn beste vriendin gemaakt, dit is haar website:

  4. Ik kende dit merk nog niet maar ziet er goed uit

  5. I wish I had a secret to perfect skin! When I find one, I will let you know haha! You have a cute wee blog chick! Would you like to follow each other? xox

    My Blog : The Style Khaleesi

  6. Now that it is summer, I need something like this!!

    I'm a new follower now.

    If you have time, could you check out/comment/follow my blog?

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I'm now a new follower :)

  8. it looks like great product :) thanks for sharing
    btw maybe we can fllw each other?

  9. i have used oriflame's products this mask is so harsh.
    loving your blog amazing picture quality

  10. i have one and i just used it 20 minutes ago. it is perfect,i always had oily skin but now i don’t have and i will buy one more because i don’t want to live without it

  11. Artikel yang bagus mba, bisa dicoba untuk semua orang...
    pure skin oriflame bisa jadi refensi untuk menghilangkan jerawat terlebih jika menggunakan skin pro oriflame sebagai alat pembersihnya agar lebih maksimal hasilnya....
    Terima Kasih artikelnya
