Monday, September 10, 2012

ONYX Sheet Masks! - Review

Me and my best friend stopped by at Action for some stuff and I found these sheet masks! I didn't expect much since they were just €1,35 for 8 masks, wow. The next day me and my friends went to the lake and my skin felt really dry after being exposed to the sun all day since the weather was absolutely loveley! So I decided to try out one of the masks, and wow, I love these! They're so hydrating and full of moisture that I could wear these all day long. At first my skin started tingling but it wasn't uncomfortable or anything.  I knew these kind of masks are really popular in Asia, I haven't seen a lot around here but I'm glad I found these!

What's your go-to face mask? Tell me! :)


  1. Ik heb deze ook een kee rgehad, maar bij mij werkte ze voor geen meter, er kwam geen product af ofzo,

  2. I usually use mask from AVON or Oriflame, they are cheep and have a good quality. I didn't knew about these sheet masks, they are very interesting!
